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Title IX and University Policy

Title IX and University Policy

The University of Chicago is a community of scholars dedicated to research, academic excellence, and the pursuit and cultivation of learning. Members of the University community cannot thrive unless each is accepted as an autonomous individual and is treated without regard to characteristics irrelevant to participation in the life of the University.  Freedom of expression is vital to our shared goal of the pursuit of knowledge and should not be restricted by a multitude of rules. At the same time, unlawful discrimination, including harassment, compromises the integrity of the University. The University is committed to taking necessary action to prevent, correct, and, where indicated, discipline unlawful discrimination. Please click here for the University policy.

Please click these links below for more information.

Title IX FAQs

Student Information

Faculty/Other Academic Appointee, Staff, Postdoctoral Researcher Information

Additional Information

  • No Contact Directives
  • Campus Safety Analysis
  • Civil No Contact Orders